01 Giugno 2007 / calcio

Cardiovascular responses during recreational 5-a-side indoor-soccer

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01 Maggio 2007 / calcio

Variation in top level soccer match performance

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01 Aprile 2007 / calcio

Factors influencing physiological responses to small-sided soccer games

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01 Agosto 2006 / skeleton

Relationship between push phase and final race time in skeleton performance

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01 Luglio 2006 / calcio

Quantification of high intensity activity from the energy cost of speed changes measured during professional soccer matches

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01 Luglio 2006 / calcio

Effect of repeated sprint versus aerobic interval training in soccer players

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01 Luglio 2006 / calcio

Accuracy and reliability of a commercial video-computerized, semi-automatic, soccer-match analysis system: preliminary results

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01 Giugno 2006 / calcio

Physiological and performance effects of generic versus specific aerobic training in soccer players

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01 Maggio 2006 / calcio

Aerobic fitness and yo-yo continuous and intermittent tests performances in soccer players: a correlation study

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01 Maggio 2006 / calcio

Cardiorespiratory responses to Yo-yo Intermittent Endurance Test in nonelite youth soccer players

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