01 Settembre 2012 / ciclismo
Physical fitness and performances of an amputee cycling world champion: a case study.
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01 Giugno 2012 / ciclismo
Physiological and anthropometric characteristics of junior cyclists of different specialties and performance levels
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01 Settembre 2010 / australian football
Match running performance in elite Australian Rules Football
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01 Gennaio 2010 / calcio
Ageing and physical match performance in English Premier League soccer referees
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01 Ottobre 2009 / calcio
Effects of intermittent-endurance fitness on match performance in young male soccer players
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01 Ottobre 2009 / basketball
Aerobic and explosive power performance of elite italian regional-level basketball players
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01 Luglio 2008 / calcio
Discriminant physiological responses to high-intensity intermittent exercise between professional and amateur soccer players
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01 Luglio 2008 / calcio
Physiological differences between professional and amateur soccer players
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01 Dicembre 2007 / calcio
Analysis of physical match performance in English Premier League soccer referees with particular reference to first half and player work rates
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