01 Febbraio 2012 / ciclismo
Time course of the hemoglobin mass response to natural altitude training in elite endurance cyclists
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01 Dicembre 2011 / atletica leggera
Is it time to consider a new performance classification for high-level male marathon runners?
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01 Marzo 2011 / calcio
The cost of running on natural grass and artificial turf surfaces
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01 Aprile 2010 / ciclismo
Aerobic fitness variables do not predict the professional career of young cyclists
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01 Gennaio 2010 / calcio
Physiological determinants of Yo-Yo intermittent recovery tests in male soccer players
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01 Dicembre 2009 / calcio
Repeated-sprint ability in professional and amateur soccer players
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01 Gennaio 2009 / calcio
Heart rate and blood lactate correlates of perceived exertion during small-sided soccer games
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01 Gennaio 2009 / calcio
Technical performance during soccer matches of the Italian Serie A league: effect of fatigue and competitive level
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