01 Dicembre 2015 / calcio
Alpha-amylase serum levels in professional soccer players are not related with physical fitness.
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01 Novembre 2015 / calcio
Changes in muscle damage, inflammation, and fatigue-related parameters in young elite soccer players after a match.
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01 Ottobre 2015 / calcio
Differences in high-intensity running, metabolic power, accelerations and decelerations between football players of high and low performing teams.
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01 Ottobre 2015 / calcio
Hs-cTnT levels in professional soccer players throughout a season: No evidence of sustained cardiac damage.
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01 Agosto 2015 / calcio
Adropin and apelin fluctuations throughout a season in professional soccer players: Are they related with performance?
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01 Luglio 2015 / ciclismo
Exercise-induced muscle damage markers during a familiarization protocol to eccentric cycling.
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01 Luglio 2015 / basketball
Acute neuromuscular fatigue induced by repeated direction changes does not influence free throw accuracy in amateur basketball players.
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