Scientific Publications

MAPEI SPORT - Service center for high performance and well-being.

01 November 2007

A vertical jump force test for assessing bilateral strength asymmetry in athletes

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01 March 2007

Validity of simple field tests as indicators of match-related physical performance in top-level professional soccer players

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01 July 2006

Effect of repeated sprint versus aerobic interval training in soccer players

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01 June 2006

Physiological and performance effects of generic versus specific aerobic training in soccer players

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01 May 2006

Aerobic fitness and yo-yo continuous and intermittent tests performances in soccer players: a correlation study

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01 May 2006

Cardiorespiratory responses to Yo-yo Intermittent Endurance Test in nonelite youth soccer players

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01 March 2006

Prediction of time to exhaustion from blood lactate response during submaximal exercise in competitive cyclists

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01 February 2006

Letter to the Editors – Is Aerobic Power Really Critical for Success in Alpine Skiing?

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01 October 2005

Correlations between physiological variables and performance in high level cross country off road cyclists

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01 September 2005

Cardiovascular responses to aerobic step dance sessions with and without appendicular overload

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