Pubblicazioni scientifiche

MAPEI SPORT - Centro servizi per l'alta prestazione ed il wellness.

01 Giugno 2020

Is the achievement of 85% of age-predicted heart ratemax at exercise test sufficient to make diagnosis of myocardial ischemia in athletes?

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01 Giugno 2020

Workload monitoring in top-level soccer players during congested fixture periods

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01 Giugno 2020

Physiological profile of elite BMX cyclists and physiological-perceptual demands of a BMX race simulation

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02 Aprile 2020

Seasonal changes in physical capacities of basketball players according to competitive levels and individual responses

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01 Marzo 2020

Combined effect of number of players and dribbling on game-based-drill demands in basketball

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03 Febbraio 2020

Match activities in basketball games: comparison between different competitive levels

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01 Febbraio 2020

Lactate Equivalent for Maximal Lactate Steady State Determination in Soccer

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01 Ottobre 2019

Association Between Match Activity, Endurance Levels and Maturity in Youth Football Players

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03 Novembre 2018

The Cardinal Exercise Stopper: Muscle Fatigue, Muscle Pain or Perception of Effort?

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03 Settembre 2018

The physical profile of adult male basketball players: Differences between competitive levels and playing positions

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