Pubblicazioni scientifiche

MAPEI SPORT - Centro servizi per l'alta prestazione ed il wellness.

20 Gennaio 2023

Salivary and serum irisin in healthy adults before and after exercise

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15 Gennaio 2023

Association between match physical activity and neuromuscular characteristics in youth football

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01 Luglio 2022

Peripheral muscle function during repeated changes of direction in professional soccer players

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01 Giugno 2022

Physical demands during 3×3 international male and female basketball games are partially impacted by competition phase but not game outcome

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29 Aprile 2022

Relationships Between Internal and External Load Measures and Fitness Level Changes in Professional Soccer Players

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26 Febbraio 2021

Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on serie A soccer players’ physical qualities

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27 Gennaio 2021

Morning priming exercise strategy to enhance afternoon performance in young elite soccer players

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22 Settembre 2020

Determining the relationship between load markers and non-contact injuries during the competitive season among professional and semi-professional basketball players

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20 Giugno 2020

Influence of ball possession and playing position on the physical demands encountered during professional basketball games

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20 Giugno 2020

Peripheral muscle function during repeated changes of direction in basketball

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