01 December 2016 / Ciclismo

Thermography for skin temperature evaluation during dynamic exercise: a case study on an incremental maximal test in elite male cyclists.

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01 October 2015 / karate

Interpretation and perception of two different kumite fighting intensities through and integrated approach training in international level karatekas: an exploratory study.

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11 September 2015 / Functional assessment

Optimising riding position

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01 September 2012 / Ciclismo

Physical fitness and performances of an amputee cycling world champion: a case study.

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01 June 2012 / Ciclismo

Physiological and anthropometric characteristics of junior cyclists of different specialties and performance levels

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01 September 2010 / australian football

Match running performance in elite Australian Rules Football

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01 January 2010 / Calcio

Ageing and physical match performance in English Premier League soccer referees

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01 October 2009 / Calcio

Effects of intermittent-endurance fitness on match performance in young male soccer players

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01 October 2009 / basketball

Aerobic and explosive power performance of elite italian regional-level basketball players

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01 July 2008 / Calcio

Discriminant physiological responses to high-intensity intermittent exercise between professional and amateur soccer players

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