01 July 2015 / Ciclismo

Eccentric cycling warm-up as an alternative method prior to a time trial.

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01 May 2015 / Calcio

Determinants of physical match performance in youth football players: metabolic aspects

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01 March 2015 / australian football

Metabolic power and energetic costs of professional Australian Football match-play.

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01 January 2015 / Monitoring

Metabolic Power Demands of Rugby League Match Play.

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01 January 2015 / Calcio

Association between physical fitness and mean platelet volume in professional soccer players

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01 October 2014 / Testing

Peripheral neuromuscular fatigue induced by repeated-sprint exercise: cycling vs running.

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01 September 2014 / Ciclismo

Effects of a very low versus high cadence interval training session on the physiological response to exercise and neuromuscular function.

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01 May 2014 / Calcio

Reliability of the assessment of peripheral muscle fatigue induced by high-intensity intermittent exercise.

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01 February 2014 / nuoto

Effects of a 25-km trial on psychological, physiological and stroke characteristics of short- and mid-distance swimmers.

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01 July 2013 / atletica leggera

The effect of different forms of high-intensity intermittent running exercises on neuromuscular fatigue.

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