Also this year Mapei Sport Research Center will collaborate with the academic world with profit. The partnership with Milan Statale University, Milan Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Varese Insubria continues for the excellent structure supported by MAPEI Group.


As in 2017, when Davide Ferioli (UNIMI) completed his three-year doctorate course of research in sports science focused on the study of the physiological determinants of basketball, even in the new year students of the degree course in physical education of the three universities will carry out a training internship in the center of Olgiate Olona (VA), which operates in the field of sports carrying out scientific research and also providing multisectoral assistance to athletes in order to improve their performance.

The specialists of Mapei Sport in the year just ended have given lessons to the students of the faculties involved in the collaboration: Ermanno Rampinini, head of the functional assessment laboratory, and Andrea Bosio, head of the scientific research department of Mapei Sport, have come to the chair at the course of Training Theory and Methodology of Catholic University, in addition Rampinini, which in the structure conducts consulting activities for high-level football teams and for the Italian national alpine skiing team, has participated in the Master of athletic preparation in football of the same faculty.

«The partnership with prestigious universities allows us to make young graduates who are passionate about sports experience and to be able to count on fresh ideas and new stimuli. We thank the professors and the faculties with which we interface more than willingly for the fruitful collaboration» comments Dr. Claudio Pecci, director of the center, who in the current academic year gave a lecture to the students of UNICATT Master in Sport Communication titled “Ethics and culture in sport”.

Lastly, in 2018 Mapei Sport continues to collaborate with world-renowned researchers, including: Nicola Maffiuletti (Schulthess Klinik, Zurich), Samuele Marcora (University of Kent), Aaron J Coutts (University of Technology Sydney), Carlo Castagna (University of Rome Tor Vergata and Laboratory of training methodology and biomechanics applied to football, Coverciano FIGC).