Hand grip test
Isometric maximum strength test for the ankle (plantar flexors muscles)
Biceps Femoris Long Head Architecture
Hip strenght test: Hip Thrust
Isometric maximum strength test for the shoulder (internal and external rotation)
Isometric maximum strength test for the trunk (flexion, extension, and lateral flexion)
Single Leg Drop Jump Test
Body composition analysis
Lower body flexibility test
Functional Movement Screen (FMS)
Y Balance (upper or lower limb)
Explosive lower body strength test (CMJ)
Drop Jump
Single-leg Hop Test
Squat Test
Isokinetic test (Cybex©)
Neuromuscular fatigue test using a Mognoni eccentric press
Maximum lower body isometric strength test
Upper body strength test: bench press and row
Heart rate/speed test (Conconi) for running
V02 max and ventilatory threshold test for running
Anaerobic threshold test for running
Mognoni’s test
High-intensity intermittent test (HIT)
Neuromuscular efficiency during changes of direction test
Sprint test
Heart rate/power test (Conconi) for cycling
VO2 max and ventilatory threshold test for cycling
Anaerobic threshold test for cycling
Peak anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity test (Wingate®)
Optimising riding position
Cycling symmetry analysis
Cleat positioning
Dynamic cleat alignment (RAD)
Gait analysis
Simplified video analysis (2D)