Regardless of what you’ve been reading under the sun umbrella, if you’re a sports fan, we have 4 new things to recommend. These are the researches recently conducted by the Mapei Sport Research Center and available to everyone as of this summer.

The activity of the Italian-based center has restarted after the August break and continues along the three lines that have always characterized it: assistance for sports, sports culture and applied scientific research in sports. The latter aspect, which is fundamental for having an always innovative and rational vision toward the numerous problems involved in sports practice at every level, has led to the publication of four new research papers in recent months.

July 1, 2024 – European Journal of Translational Myology

The time course of irisin release after an acute exercise: relevant implications for health and future experimental designs

July 27, 2024 – International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

Three-, Four-, and Five-Day Microcycles: The Normality in Professional Football

August 1, 2024 – The Journal of Strength and Conditiong Research

How Do Young Soccer Players Train? A 5-Year Analysis of Weekly Training Load and its Variability Between Age Groups in an Elite Youth Academy

August 2, 2024 – Biomedicines

Effects of Exhaustive Exercise on Adiponectin and High-Molecular-Weight Oligomer Levels in Male Amateur Athletes

Specific topics that Mapei Sport is keen to divulge in order to “vulgarize” scientifically validated knowledge, in order to contribute to the spread of an increasingly rational approach to both competitive and health sports activities, so as to achieve better results not only from a performance point of view, but also and above all from the aspect of protecting and improving one’s state of health and physical efficiency.

For more information on Mapei Sport’s scientific publications visit the dedicated page