20 Giugno 2020 / basketball

Influence of ball possession and playing position on the physical demands encountered during professional basketball games

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17 Ottobre 2019 / cubetti di sapere


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01 Marzo 2018 / basketball

Different Training Loads Partially Influence Physiological Responses to the Preparation Period in Basketball.

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01 Gennaio 2017 / basketball

Different training loads partially influence physiological responses to preparation period in basketball.

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01 Agosto 2015 / calcio

Adropin and apelin fluctuations throughout a season in professional soccer players: Are they related with performance?

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01 Luglio 2015 / basketball

Acute neuromuscular fatigue induced by repeated direction changes does not influence free throw accuracy in amateur basketball players.

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01 Aprile 2007 / calcio

Factors influencing physiological responses to small-sided soccer games

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01 Giugno 2005 / calcio

Variables influencing soccer-specific exercise intensity

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01 Marzo 2004 / calcio

Variables influencing fatigue in soccer performance

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27 Luglio 2024 / calcio

Three-, Four-, and Five-Day Microcycles: The Normality in Professional Football

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